Supposed to
This year, I was "supposed to" be working full time in Olathe on a contract, but as you know, things didn't turn out that way. Then, I was "supposed to" be back to my normal fall routine of subbing here and there, including in a new district in addition to what I had been, plus the many groups at TimberRidge. Then, the day before school starts, I get a phone call asking if I can begin the school year for a 4th grade teacher at the same elementary I did the long-terms at last year. It is not certain how long this will last, so I'm proceeding as if it could last a while.
So, since then I've been in 4th grade land every day. It's a little outside my normal comfort zone, but the kids are great. Now if only they'd hand all their work in on time and think before they write things down! It's definitely a different rhythm than I'm used to. It's both refreshing and stressful to be completely in charge of a classroom again.
If I can get all my certification ducks in a row, being on this job really strengthens my chances for next year. Stay with me and I will try to keep you posted.
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