Wednesday, July 12, 2006

First post

This is my first post in this new blog. I have blogged before for a very narrow audience that I don't think really ever read it anyway. I'd like to share a few thoughts about what I'm learning, what I'm reading, what I'm listening to (podcasting, audiobooks, music).

I just got the 60G Video iPod last weekend. I haven't done much productive lately! I had actually spend months and months working with iTunes getting things "ready" so all I had to do was plug and play. OK, so it took almost 5 hours to copy over 11,000 items, but whatever.

I'm now exploring world of podcasts and even vodcasts. I've come to a quick realization that a lot of what's out there is just crap. It will take me a while, I suppose, to filter through what's really worth listening to. I'm trying to focus on a few podcasts that explore how the church of Jesus Christ may be reconfiguring to meet the emerging world of the 21st century. I've also got a couple other ones just
for thinking believers, a junior high youth workers training vodcast, and of course, Strong Bad emails from!

That's all for now. I need to unplug for a bit and connect with real live human beings, namely my wife.


Blogger Kathryn said...

I'm jealous! I've been trying to organize my music to burn a bunch of CDs. Mom got me this portable CD player last year that came with some software where I can burn CDs with 500 songs on each CD. It's proving to take a lot of time to organize though!
Anyway, welcome to blogger. I'm your first comment!

8:40 PM  

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